The Odin Project - JavaScript Fundamentals Part 1

Reading the linked info in the course is essential, it covers much more material than the questions asked below. To save unnecessary typing some redundant questions have been grouped together so answers can be given in one section in a more complete manner. How do you declare a variable in javascript? What are three different ways to declare a variable? Which one should you use when? You can use any of the reserved words let, const and var to declare a variable.


The Odin Project - Embedding Images and Video

This post covers my work on the Embedding Images and Video assignment from the HTML5 and CSS3 course from The Odin Project. This assignment practices embedding images and video into a recreation of the YouTube video player page. The assignments main focus is on ensuring you learn how to embed media but it has the secondary effect of continuing to practice HTML structure and CSS layout techniques. What I learned I increased my knowledge of the intricacies of using Flexbox to layout the page and ran into issues with making the layout responsive.


The Odin Project - Working with Images, Video and other Media

Here are a collection of questions from the Working with Images, Video and other Media lesson of the HTML5 and CSS3 course from The Odin Project. Working with Images, Video and other Media You can find the Working with Images, Video and other Media lesson here. The lesson questions are answered below, but some of these questions are quite poor or are ambiguous. What are common attributes of image tags?


The Odin Project - Linking Internal & External Pages

Here are a collection of questions from the Linking Internal and External Pages lesson from the Basic HTML Page Structure section of the HTML5 and CSS3 course on from The Odin Project. Linking Internal and External Pages You can find the Linking Internal and External Pages lesson here. The lesson questions are answered below: What’s the difference between internal links (/somepage) and external links ( /somepage links to a page relative to the site on which the link is placed, the resource it is meant to point to will only be 'findable' in the context of the original site it was intended to work on.


The Odin Project - HTML5 basics

Here are a collection of questions from the Basic HTML Page Structure section of the HTML5 and CSS3 course on from The Odin Project. Each section will have a different page, but all lessons within a section will be grouped together. HTML5 Basics You can find the HTML5 Basics lesson here. The lesson questions are answered below: How is an HTML5 document structured? Here's an example. A full list of elements can be found here.


Ansible connection failure with Ubuntu Server 16.04

Having trouble connecting to Ubuntu Server 16.04 from your Ansible control machine? If you ping your Ubuntu Server do you get a similar error: ubuntu_host | FAILED! => { "changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 0 } If you do, there's a simple solution (and you should have read the docs! :-D ) Ansible Python not found on Ubuntu Server 16.


Javascript and jQuery | An Odin Project

I'm finding the Odin Project isn't really that easy to blog your way through like you can with LPTHW, but this project seemed like a great one to share. This is a long post, so here are some links to jump to the relevant sections: Completed example and live project section. Lessons learned section (hints on how to approach the project). Example section (walkthrough of my project). Javascript and jQuery - completed project You can take a look at my completed project live in your browser by clicking the link below:


LPTHW - Exercise 22: What do you know so far?

LPTHW - Exercise 22 No code or study drill in this lesson. Today we'll be going back over everything we've done so far and make sure we know what every little bit does/means. To do that we're going to go back through each lesson and identify every keyword or symbol that we've used. Then we'll write up exactly what each of those means or what it does. Useful resources There are a few excellent resources that you can keep refering back to when refreshing your memory on the points below.