Brexit / EU Referendum: UK immigration figures 2016

This post is an attempt to cut through the rhetoric and vitriol concerning UK immigration and the upcoming Brexit/EU referendum.

Using data from the ONS quarterly migration report I have extracted just the actual figures for you to use as you see fit.

This is a 'best effort' undertaking and I may have made mistakes - notify me in the comments.

Comments politicising this data will not be approved, save such things for your Facebook timelines or whatever.

Long Term International Migration to/from UK to year ending December 2015 for previous 12 months

An estimated current total population of UK = 64,596,000

An estimated total current non-British population = 2.1 million

Total foreign citizens by percentage = 3.25%


Net Long-Term International Migration by citizenship, UK, 1975 to 2015 (YE December 2015)

Net Long-Term International Migration by citizenship, UK, 1975 to 2015 (YE December 2015) ~ Source: Office for National Statistics, Long-Term International Migration


Total figures - (combined)

Total immigration (came to UK) = 630,000

Total Emigration (left the UK) = 297,000

Net figures - EU vs non-EU

Net British immigration = -40,000

Net EU immigration (EU people who came here) = 184,000

Net non-EU migration = 188,000


British nationals leaving UK = 123,000 (83,000 arrived but more left)

EU Citizens leaving UK = 85,000

Non-EU citizens leaving = 89,000


Total population of UK = 64,596,800

Total Net immigration = 297,000 (0.46% of total population)

Total loss of British citizens = 40,000 (0.06% of total population)

Total gain of EU citizens = 185,000 (0.27% of total population)

Total gain of non-EU citizens = 188,000 (0.29% of total population)


 Long-Term International Migration estimates of immigration to the UK, by main reason for migration, 2006 to 2015 (YE December 2015)

Long-Term International Migration estimates of immigration to the UK, by main reason for migration, 2006 to 2015 (YE December 2015) ~ Source: Office for National Statistics, Long-Term International Migration

Approx 75% of immigrants came here to work or to study. Of those 75%, IPS estimates show around 61% of immigrants arriving for work were EU citizens, 24% were non-EU citizens and 15% were British citizens (returning from overseas).

Figures (mixed EU and non-EU)

Arriving for work = 308,000 (178,000 from EU, 130,000 from non-EU)

      - Those with definite job offer = 178,000 (101,000 EU, 77,000 non-EU)

      - Those looking for work = 130,000 (77,000 EU, 53,000 non-EU)

Arriving to accompany/join = 73,000

Formal Study = 167,000

Other reasons = 52,000

       - Asylum applications = 41,563 (largest aprt of that 52,000 total)

Not stated = 29,000


Reading the whole report and understanding the methodology, restrictions and error margins means you cannot fully accept this data as 'perfect'. This is, however, the most respected, independent and officially researched of available data sources.

I encourage you to read the entirety of the report, if only because misery loves company and I had to so so do you.


The Office for National Statistics "Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: May 2016"

Text only version: Click to download.

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